The first go2market in Germany recently opened in Cologne-Braunsfeld and NewTec is proud to be part of this project. Although the shop resembles a supermarket, customers can purchase items that are not yet available on the German market, are about to be launched or are unknown in certain regions – and influence the future of the product by completing voluntary questionnaires. Important data on customers’ shopping behaviour in the shop is also collected and the impact of various measures on the customers’ sense of well-being is measured.

All go2market highlights at a glance
- Up to 400 changing products that do not yet exist, are currently being launched or are unknown
- Product examples: Gin de Cologne, Gaffel, Smoothiedog, Greenbag, honey iced tea, Manner
- Multi-sense approach: Use of music and fragrance
- Modern refrigeration and freezer systems
- Shopping via Scan&Go technology
- Intelligent shelves (target group-specific promotion)
“If you’re at the back of the supermarket and hear buzzing flies, don’t be alarmed. That’s intentional, we’ve installed a sound shower there. Depending on which product is being advertised, we can adjust the sounds and see whether customer behaviour changes,” explains Jörg Taubitz, Country Manager Germany. As the go2market generally pursues a multi-sense approach, the supermarket plays target group-specific music and the air is scented. Market research.